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Federal budget cuts

Year Published:  1990  
Resource Type:  Article

Abstract:  The new federal budget contains severe cuts to programs for senior citizens, women's centres, and native organizations. Especially hard hit were funds for communication, such as newspapers, broadcasting, and groups that provide information and services directly to the public. Among the budget highlights:
* A funding freeze was placed on federal transfer payments for existing programs for health and post-secondary education. The cutbacks are expected to amount to $2.4 billion over the next two years.
* Savage cuts were made to funding for Native programs, with Native communications (newspapers and broadcasting) being targeted with the heaviest cuts. The cuts of $9.8 million come on top of cuts of $3 million cut last year.
* 80 women's centres had their core funding cut 100%.
* Secretary of State Women's Program funding cut by 15%.
* Spending limits were placed on the Canada Assistance Program for Alberta, British Columbia, and Ontario. This is the funding mechanism for shelters for battered women, child care, and social assistance.
* Funding for multicultural programs were cut by $4.1 million, after having been cut by $2 million last year.
* The Seniors Initiatives Program, which is designed to "encourage and support the self-care and mutual aid efforts of seniors and promote the availability and accessibility of resources which support the social, welfare, health and education of seniors", was cut by $3.5 million.
* $1.75 million was taken from the Childcare Initiatives Program, often cited by Health Minister Perrin Beatty as the reason it was not necessary for the government to proceed with the national child-care program it promised before the last election.

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