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No Bankers in Heaven
Remembering the CCF

Melynk, Olenka
Publisher:  McGraw-HIll Ryerson, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1989  
Pages:  241pp  
Dewey:  324.27107
Resource Type:  Book

An oral history of men and women who devoted themselves to building the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation.

Abstract:  No Bankers in Heaven is an oral history of men and women who devoted themselves to building the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation, which advanced the cause of social justice in Canada between 1932 and 1957, when the CCF was transformed into the New Democratic Party. Melnyk interviewed former CCF activists about what it was like to work away at the grass roots for the CCF, which many saw as a social movement as much as a political party. The quality and interest of the reminiscences varies, but many contain interesting anecdotes and insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation.

Table of Contents



Chapter One: Farmers
Bob Wooff
Toby Nollet
Nancy Zaseybida
Lorne Dietrick

Chapter Two: Labour
Donald MacDonald
George Home
Peter Gemby

Chapter Three: Women
Grace MacInnis
Betsy Naylor
Marj Mann

Chapter Four: Minorities
Kay Shimizu
Steve Kardynal
Frank Calder

Chapter Five: Radicals
Arthur Turner
Mildred Fahrni
Eve and John Smith
Jim McKenzie

Chapter Six: Politicians
Graham Spry
Bill Temple
Donald C. MacDonald
Frank Coburn

Chapter Seven: Grassroots
Elsie Gorius
Charlie Biesick
Arnold Lynds
Nellie Peterson



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