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Caps And Spelling

Publisher:  The Canadian Press
Year Published:  1988  
Pages:  156pp   ISBN:  0-92009-01-8
Resource Type:  Book

Abstract:  CAPS AND SPELLING is a guide to the correct spelling and capitalization of many of the names of Canadian and world public figures and organizations, and of commonly mispelled words. The format simply lists names and words in alphabetical order, usually just with the correct spelling, sometimes with a brief comment. On one pages, under the 'c's, for example, one finds carat (gems), Karat (gold), caret (printing), Cariboo Mountains, caribou (deer), Caribou (Inuit, plane), cave in (v.), cave-in (n.), centimetre (cm-sing., and pl. metric symbol, no period). It is useful because the proper names for the most part will not be found in a dictionary, and because the compact format makes it easy to find the word being looked for. Though ostensibly a Canadian Guide (published by the Canadian Press), it contains a number of American, rather than Canadian spellings, for words such as labour ('labor') and colour ('color'), even going so far as to mispell the names of organizations such as the British Labour Party (which it renders Labor Party). For this reason, it cannot be considered completely reliable.

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