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Program III - Study, Dialogue, Reflection, Action, on Social Issues

Publisher:  Centre for Christian Issues, Canada
Year Published:  1977  
Pages:  4pp  
Resource Type:  Article

This borchure describes the nature and purpose of Program 3, and lists workshops planned for 1977-78.

Abstract:  This borchure describes the nature and purpose of Program 3, and lists workshops planned for 1977-78.

"Program 3 is a series of workshops designed to: raise ethical quesitons about various social issues, help participants see the underlying causes of social issues, help participants apply their Chrisitian faith to each issue, help people take concrete action on issues of concern to them, and put concerned people in touch with one another. Another essential aspect of this program is to train people to design their own workshops and to help congregations and groups plan workshops to study their own issues.

Workshops planned for this year are: 1) Namibia, South Africa and Canada, 2) Energy: In Whose Interest?
3) Peaceful Resistance: What Does It Mean? 4) The Gospel and Social Justice: What Do We Have To Learn from the Social Gospel Movement? 5) Quebec, Canada and the Church, 6) Milk & Honey: Where's the Promised Land? (this will examine the place of the Canadian family farm in a hungry world). 7) Church and Labour. Other workshops may be held if need and interest surface.

For informaiton on these workshops call or write: The Registrar, 77 Charles St. W. Toronto, Ontario,

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