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Consumer and Nuclear Energy: A Luxury We Can No Longer Afford

Publisher:  Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, Montral, Canada
Year Published:  1977  
Pages:  4pp  
Resource Type:  Article

An energy analysis with 28 recommendations presented to Pierre Trudeau and his cabinet.

Abstract:  This document is put out by C.C.N.R., a group which also regularly publishes a newsletter relating to nuclear energy. This report presents an energy analysis and offers twenty-six recommendations. It was presented to Pierre Trudeau and his cabinet and the results of this action were printed in recent C.C.N.R. newsletter. The brief points out how it would be cheaper to research and develop renewable energy sources (solar, wind, tidal, biomass) than to spend billions on nuclear energy. It gives good summary of how our current attitudes towards usage of energy were formed at a time when we considered oursleves and energy-rich nation. As consumers we were encouraged to expand our use of energy rapidly, especially electricity. A dream of "living better electrically" became popular with plans of Candu reactors for the future to keep up with the artificially created demand. As the document states, "The nuclear dream of providing cheap electricity has turned into a nightmare." Three of the twenty-six recommendations presented in the document are:
1) to understand a ten year $300 million research and development program for renewable energy sources. 2) to abandon the nuclear energy program.
3) to consider making up to $4 billion available to grants and loans to consumers to insulate and retrofit existing residences to save an estimated 18% of primary energy demand.

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