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No Country Has a "Right to Exist"

McGlinchey, Brian

Date Written:  01/11/2023
Year Published:  2023  
Resource Type:  Article

No country has a 'right to exist.' After all, what is a country -- or, in more precise terminology, a state -- other than a political arrangement? And why would any political arrangement be deemed as having 'rights,' much less a supposed right to never be altered or cancelled?



No country has a 'right to exist.'

After all, what is a country -- or, in more precise terminology, a state -- other than a political arrangement? And why would any political arrangement be deemed as having 'rights,' much less a supposed right to never be altered or cancelled?

While definitions vary, Murray Rothbard best distilled the state in his classic long essay, 'Anatomy of the State.' Rothbard wrote: "The state is that organization in society which attempts to maintain a monopoly of the use of force and violence in a given territorial area."

Whether the associated flag of the state in question has a Star of David, stars and stripes, or a hammer and sickle, the suggestion that it's immoral to propose that such a monopoly be rearranged or replaced is preposterous on its face. Over the broad sweep of history, the norm is not states existing in perpetuity. Rather, history is the story of never-ending rearrangements of these many monopolies on the use of force and violence.

Did the Soviet Union have a 'right to exist'? What about Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia or the Ottoman Empire? Are we all culpably-silent bystanders to some kind of ongoing injustice as long as those bygone states are not reconstituted?


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