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Western media's parroting of official lies is paving way to genocide in Gaza

Cook, Jonathan

Date Written:  16/10/2023
Year Published:  2023  
Resource Type:  Article

Disinformation campaigns are one of the chief battlefields in any war - something any serious journalist is only too aware of. And western powers and their allies have an appalling track record of lying to their own medias.



Disinformation campaigns are one of the chief battlefields in any war - something any serious journalist is only too aware of. And western powers and their allies have an appalling track record of lying to their own medias, even if we ignore the most infamous of those deceptions. The lie that Saddam Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction was used to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Fabrications typically focus on particularly inflammatory issues to rile up popular sentiment in favour of atrocities against the enemy. Favourites include stories of babies and women being abused.

A clue to the extent to which the media has been colluding in the manipulation of public sentiment was demonstrated by The Times' front page on Friday.

Under the splash headline "Israel shows mutilated babies" -- itself misleading: Israel had done no such thing -- was a photograph of bloodied small children. But those children were not Israeli. They were Palestinian children, covered in rubble dust and blood from Israel's bombing of Gaza.

The juxtaposition was the ultimate cynical trickery: using images of wounded Palestinian children to add to the clamour for Israeli revenge -- violence that would only create more wounded and dead Palestinian children.


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