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The Curse of the Algorithm

Klikauer, Thomas

Publisher:  Counterpunch
Date Written:  26/12/2022
Year Published:  2022  
Resource Type:  Article

The existence of algorithms might be a sign of civilization, but it might also be a sign of madness. As human decision-making is handed over to machines, these machines can make rather irrational, discriminatory, and outright mad decisions.



It remains imperative to remember that virtually all "rather scientific-looking" algorithms are plagued by hidden interests, often the interest of the users who usually asked an algorithm to be created, e.g., a company like Amazon. In other words, in many cases it is capitalism that drives the design of algorithms.

As a consequence of all this, algorithms increasingly sidestep the role of the subject and even human subjectivity when constructing knowledge, the automatic data analysis based on a mathematical formula. This chisels away the humanist project of the self. Philosophy calls this personhood.

In short, the application of algorithms weakens our ability to form and articulate what we think (e.g., search engine algorithms), what we like (Facebook algorithms), and what we want (Amazon's algorithms).

Worse, this version of algorithmic knowledge destabilizes a core process in the construction of subjectivity. It eliminates self-reflection by deducing - or even eliminating - the active participation of the individual in the creation of knowledge. Beyond that, algorithms also endeavor to create positivistic and even behavior-manipulating knowledge. Algorithms can eradicate nearly all self-reflective and communicative facets of knowledge creation.


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