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The Struggle Against the Chauvinist Hydra
Document of the Seventh International Conference of the International Communist League (Fourth Internationalist)


Publisher:  International Communist League (Fourth Internationalist)
Year Published:  2017  
Resource Type:  Article

Political statement announcing a sharp change of direction in the Trotskyist International Communist League.



The purpose of this conference is to re-establish a Leninist framework on the national question in the International Communist League and to break with the Great Power chauvinism that has marked certain aspects of the politics and functioning of the International. A fight in Canada that began in the fall of 2016 revealed that since its inception, the Canadian section had an Anglo-chauvinist, assimilationist program for Quebec. This struggle generated strong opposition from an Anglophone layer of historic International Executive Committee cadres who were the source of the line on the national question in Canada and elsewhere. Particularly since the fall of the Soviet Union, part of the international leadership has adapted to U.S. imperialism, mimicking attitudes of dominance toward the neocolonial countries under its boot. The purpose of this conference is to effect a fusion with the Québécois comrades and elect a new international leadership that will implement a sharp break with the politics of oppressor chauvinism.

As soon as they founded our tendency, Jim Robertson and Geoff White sought its international extension. But in 1974, as the "Declaration for the Organizing of an International Trotskyist Tendency" was being signed (see Spartacist [English edition] No. 23, Spring 1977), a number of American cadres embraced an anti-Leninist position on the national question. This perversion of Leninism was both facilitated and exacerbated by the preponderance of the American section in the International.


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