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The March on Everywhere
The ragged glory of female activism

Jamison, Leslie

Publisher:  Harper's Magazine
Year Published:  2017  
Resource Type:  Article

Leslie Jamison recounts her experience as part of the Women's March on Washington in protest of the new Trump Administration, which became the largest single day protest in U.S. history.



I was at a Maryland travel plaza just off I-95 when I finally saw them, en masse and outfitted: the women. They were emerging from the fog like visions, their bodies spectral and streetlamp-lit, walking alone and with friends, with canes, with glowing cigarettes between their fingers; with boots over their jeans, with their daughters and mothers, with paper cups of coffee in their hands. They were headed into the rest stop, its vertical windows rising from the mist like church spires. They were holding doors for one another, asking, "Did I just cut you in line?" They were buying sodas and bananas. They were going to the bathroom. They were letting pregnant women go first. They were in utero, they were in wheelchairs, and they were all headed where I was headed: to the corner of 3rd Street and Independence Avenue.

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