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Raising Hell for Labor
Raising Expectations (And Raising Hell): My Decade Fighting for the Labor Movement

Downs, Steve

Publisher:  Against the Current
Date Written:  01/03/2016
Year Published:  2016  
Resource Type:  Article

Book review of Jane McAlevey's Raising Expectations (And Raising Hell): My Decade Fighting for the Labor Movement.



As McAlevey states, this is a book about organizing - more precisely, the kind of organizing that is necessary when unions represent a small percentage of the workforce, especially in the service sector. She calls this "whole-worker organizing:"

Whole-worker organizing begins with the recognition that real people do not live two separate lives, one beginning when they arrive at work and punch the clock and another when they punch out at the end of their shift. The pressing concerns that bear down on them every day are not divided into two neat piles, only one of which is of concern to unions. At the end of each shift workers go home, through streets that are sometimes violent, past their kids' crumbling schools, to their often substandard housing, where the tap water is likely unsafe.

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