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Time or Task- You Choose How to Get Things Done
Sources News Release


Publisher:  Colette Robicheau -- Organizing Consultant and Coach
Date Written:  13/10/2010
Year Published:  2010  
Resource Type:  Article

When it comes to adding things to the To Do list think in terms of describing your goal as a time or a task. Remember we can’t do a project. We have to break it down in to smaller manageable pieces.

Abstract:  When it comes to adding things to the To Do list think in terms of describing your goal as a time or a task. Remember we can’t do a project. We have to break it down in to smaller manageable pieces.

Time is when you designate an amount of time in hours or minutes and you simply stop when you are complete. You are free to stop because you have reached your goal and then you can get on with your day or weekend.

Task is when you describe what needs to get done by just one specific area, locat...
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