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Good Guys With Guns
Why the left should arm itself

Pogue, James
Publisher:  Harper's Magazine
Year Published:  2020  
Resource Type:  Article

On the Socialist Rifle Association (SRA) and why working people and the left should own guns.



The elite fear of a gun-owning underprivileged class of Americans points to a truth about the place of armed politics in our national self-conception. There's a reaosn why John Brown is an American hero, and why Ida B. Wells wrote that "a Winchester rifle should have a place of honor in every black home." At moments of political extremity, guns can remind those in power that there's some physical risl to leaving people feeling hopeless. Eugene Debs took heart, after the violent repression of miners' strikes at Paint Creek and Ludlow, in the idea that miners could arm themselves. "When the law fails, and in fact, becomes a bulwark of crime and oppression, " he wrote in 1914, "then an appeal to force is not only morally justified, but becomes a patriotic duty. The Declaration of Independence proclaims this truth."


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