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Police Terror in the Big Apple

Scott, George

Publisher:  Against the Current
Date Written:  01/01/2014
Year Published:  2014  
Resource Type:  Article

Scott exposes the realities of police brutality and the character of organized opposition in New York City.



Parallel to the legal challenges, advocates and progressive local politicians drafted and campaigned around a package of municipal legislation called the "Community Safety Act." These are two bills that:

1) Strengthen the prohibition of racial profiling by NYPD. The law specifically includes prohibitions against profiling homeless and transgender people and affirms the need for probable cause for NYPD to conduct a Stop and Frisk.

2) Create a new independent "Inspector General" to oversee NYPD compliance with the law and judicial rulings.

The latter was seen as necessary because the NYPD and Mayor Bloomberg had clearly failed to do this themselves. The legislation also created a remedy for anyone who successfully shows that the NYPD violated either provision. It does not award monetary damages, but can lead to prohibiting specific police practices if they contribute to violation of the law. The legislation was overwhelmingly passed by the City Council. Bloomberg vetoed it, but the Council overrode his veto.


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